Saturday, February 9, 2013


Cindy's latest newsletter is about SHUNGIKUOK, you are probably asking yourself, what is that?  Read Cindy's January 2013 newsletter and you will find out and want to plant some!

Even though it's winter, we have been having a warm spell for weeks. I know there is cold weather yet to come, so I've continued seeding some cool season crops as well as the warm season crops for Spring. Lettuces and salad greens make quick crops here in our cool winters- most varieties can be harvested in as little as 25 days, for baby leaves. Combined with hardy herbs such as parsley, chervil, salad burnet and cutting celery and colorful edible flowers, it's easy to make an attractive, tasty and healthy salad from the garden.

To keep reading the rest of the article, click on the following website:


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